Navigate your way to a new normal
Leisure and sport have been one of the hardest hit industries, often baring the brunt of the necessary measures taken to control the pandemic. At this critical time, as we must look forward, businesses are exploring what can be streamlined and where to realign resources so that they will be most impactful. Navigating the path back to normality, getting back in the game, as leanly, quickly, and safely as possible, is the priority.
Software can provide the solutions our industry business leaders are seeking, but how?
Flexible technology is vital
As software innovators working in collaboration with leisure operators, we predict that solution flexibility is fundamental to progressing towards a new normal. The ability to be agile, to turn features on and off, to make adaptations and implement Application Programming Interface (API) for a swift and seamless interaction between your apps and your customer’s devices, will be key.
User experience
A great user experience is critical for retention, referral, and growth. Letting customers be in control, not simply on a transactional basis, but by directly accessing and updating personal info, schedules and bookings at a touch of a button anytime, anywhere. Improved customer communications and personal interactions to keep them engaged. Will all contribute to a smoother customer journey in turn giving you the operator deeper insight into their behaviours and priorities, to empower your business.
See for yourself
Comprehensive reporting puts you, as senior leaders directly in front of the facts. It omits the necessity for intermediary intervention and interpretation. Set parameters around your key performance indicators such as income streams, staffing and footfall flow and measure achievement of these, in real time. Instantly identify areas that are performing, out-performing or under-performing in time to make adjustments and maximise benefits.
Single solution
With First Sports software, all the functionality you need is all in one place, in one system. There’s no need for extraction, copy, cut and paste, no gaps to fall down and nothing left behind – one single seamless software solution to operate your whole leisure facility.
Improve time efficiency, save money, increase engagement and use our software, and know-how, to get in the fast lane on the road to recovery, now.
With some extra time on your hands get intouch today for a free demonstration.